Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Welcome--Patrick 1 day Old Video

Catching up....

Hi all----my dear friend Jenny got my attention to start a blog so friends and family can keep up with the activities and growth of baby Patrick and the Rath house. Considering I've been tackling "new mommy job" the last several weeks...I've intended to get started much sooner. Will get some photos of the little guy posted to catch up on his growth--as he'll already be 2 months old this week. Can't believe it. I was supposed to return to work this week, but decided to take another two weeks to be with the little guy......realizing he's only little once and if I can take advantage of more time with him...then why not? :)
It has been very challenging the last several weeks as the little guy definatlely is Colicky...and is extremely demanding and fussy. He will have his two month check up and imunization shots on Wed...so will be discussing any suggestions or advise for relief of his colic with the Doc then. Not looking foward to him being in pain for the shots and perhaps even more fussy after, but realize will be well worth the imunizations. Am looking forward to seeing how much he actually weighs and his height...I think he has pretty much doubled in size..from 6lbs to probably 12lbs by now. Just in the last week his personality is shining (outside of the colic and fussy fits)...to where he is "cooing", smiling, and laughing...so adorable! I'll work with Shawn to learn how to download pics from our camera tonight, so I can get pics posted so all can see his smiles. Well....starting to hear the little guy stir up from his morning nap....